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Founded by Julia M. Payne, JMPAYNE24 PR provides public relations, public affairs, media relations, strategic philanthropy, reputation management and litigation communications. With experience in the White House and the NFL, Ms. Payne can handle any communication challenge in any industry. Clients include retailers, professional sports teams, non-profits, higher education institutions, and individuals.  

JMPAYNE24 offers the following PR services:

Strategic Communications

Crisis Communications

Public Relations

Public Affairs

Media Relations 

Strategic Philanthropy and Partnerships

Reputation Management

Event Promotion

Litigation Communications


To achieve your goals, JMPAYNE24 PR creates and implements multi-level campaigns across multiple platforms. A strong public affairs background and a proven track record in designing and leading communications and issues management campaigns, JMPAYNE24 PR has a deep understanding of how media, policy, and politics interact at the federal, state, and local levels.

With a wealth of experience and a track record of success, JMPAYNE24 PR recent public affairs campaigns involved grassroots, elected officials, and influencer outreach, earned media, paid media, and social media. We assisted a client in winning approval for a special use permit to build the largest solar center on the east coast by navigating a difficult political situation and regulatory process. Another client success example included a philanthropic strategy developed by JMPAYNE24 PR helped a Fortune 50 company to donate over $20 million to communities where it operates. As a result of the company's philanthropic efforts, long-term partnerships were created that are providing positive impact in the most needed areas and generating positive visibility for the company. 

JMPAYNE24 PR looks forward to working with you to achieve your PR goals. 

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